Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Event filled Election Day

Wow what an election. When the first returns came in I was very nervous about the outcome. It was not until now President-Elect Obama won Pennsylvania and then Ohio that I could bring myself to relax. I called my brother as soon as I saw the news stations gave the word that we had won and of course he was happy and elated that all his months of hard work had paid off. I also talked with Cyndi and Evie but didn't call Frankie and Pam because I thought they would be in bed since they are early to bed and early to rise.
I will say that Senator McCain gave a great speech, a gracious speech, and was once again the man that I thought would make a good president in 2000. Of course I wanted the Democrats to win then too but I wouldn't have been sick at my tummy to see him win. Sadly for him and his supporters too many mistakes were made in this campaign and they cost him the election. He has served his country well and I sincerely wish him and his family good health and peace.

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