Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween everybody. Hope you get lots of treats and no tricks. Here it's sunny and cool which is what a lot of people call a beautiful day. Frankly at my age I call any day I'm alive to see beautiful. :-) I kept up with my walking since my last post (time off when I was ill) and after a short while of doing 2 miles, I'm back up to my 3 + miles again. Sometimes I wonder why I keep this blog when there is posting I can do on Facebook and Twitter. And sometimes I wonder why I post on any of kind of page. Guess I like the blog because you can write as much as you want and have your pictures too. I still haven't figured out how to keep things aligned but it'll come with time. Here in Austin they have passed a resolution or a law or something banning texting while driving in a school zone. Exactly how they are going to enforce it I haven't a clue. We were behind someone texting on their phone on our way to the grocery store this morning. Their car was weaving from side to side and going 30 in a 50 mile an hour zone. Morons. I'm now home and watching football with Frank. When I get bored with the games I'll watch a movie on my laptop or write or paint some. Always something to do. Anyway ta ta for now.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spotty week

Ah here it is the weekend and I've only had 4 days of walking in. The long weekend we took cut into my walking schedule or at least that's what I'm blaming it on. I did try to walk a lot while we were away to make up for it.
While we were away I was amazed by the fact that even though I had taken my laptop with me I did not even unzip the bag and get it out. Didn't miss it. I did use my cell phone and text and called the family a few times (and once our friend Karla got an errant message from me) but I didn't feel the need to check email or read the news, etc. As it turned out I didn't miss much email wise because when we got home I checked it and out of 57 emails only two were from people I knew. One friend and one family member, the rest was newsletters, sales ads, and garbage...of course the spam folder was full. Gotta love that delete button.
This week we've been enjoying cooler temperatures for a couple of days. We were at 95 on Thursday, 81 on Friday before the front moved in along with some much welcome rain, and today it's nice and cool without rain.
It's fantastic that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize although it caught me by surprise. My thoughts on it are that the world was sick of us throwing our weight around and kicking sand in their faces and just were plain pleased and happy that diplomacy is back on our agenda for getting along with the rest of the earths inhabitants. I think it was a we're happy with the new path of your country award rather than an individual award. Anyway an award for peaceful endeavors is a nice thing.
The photos below were all taken in Butler Park which is located between Barton Springs Rd and Riverside. Since the recent rains the flowers have been spectacular. Click on the small pics to see the large ones. They make wonderful background photos for your desktops. :-)