Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain's campaign isn't half-truths it's lies

McCain used to be a man of honer...about 40 years ago...perhaps even 4 years ago but he has jumped into the abyss of deceit determined to win by any means at his command. John McCain is a sell-out to dirt politics, plain and simple. Senator Obama described it pretty accurately too - Lipstick on a pig, is still a pig.
McCain's straight talk express has derailed. The mere fact he selected Palin who needs to be educated on foreign policy and who has been avoiding the press indicates she wasn’t prepared on day one or even day 1000. She's running for the second highest office, but can’t answer questions from the press or public. Doesn't this raise any alarms for anyone or are they adopting the mantra hear no evil, see no evil?
I've lost all my respect for John McCain. He was a war hero yes, but so were a lot of men. Bob Dole was a hero but I didn't want him for President either. Sad to say, but McCain is riding on the flimsy coattails of the Palin hysteria. One only hopes that it is starting to die down and that people will get back to the issues that face each and every American. I hope so because the American people may not be able to survive four more years of the horror that's been the Bush administration.
Walking schedule was messed up this past week.
9-6-2008 thru 9-13-2008-No walk, 30 minutes on tread mill which I found harder than street walking because it's faster, no walk, felt ill all day so didn't walk, 3.559, 2.986, 2.957
This summer has been difficult for a number of reasons. The main one of course is Frank's bout with the big 'C'. He never complains but the treatments he is getting leave him worn out and lackadaisical and this irritates him because he's the type of person who likes to keep busy working on things like the yard and making repairs around the house. The doctor said that after the treatments end his energy should return to normal which is a very good thing. The other reasons are petty by comparison but bothersome anyway. One has been the weather which has been hot, hotter, and hottest since early May. My intense dislike for this weather has gotten so bad that I find myself feeling nauseous when I awake to sunlight streaming into the room announcing another sunny, hot, humid day. That gets me too, no rain yet we have this high humidity. What's up with that? What I wouldn't give for a few, chilly, rainy days. And of course there is the problem with my weight. All walking and no weight loss makes Rose a cranky girl. So there you have it my little rant for this post...blah, blah, blah.


Harriet said...

I know that you don't like people Sis, but seriously, many malls open their doors early for walkers and it would be a great way to beat the heat and humidity.

The guy who taught me race walking sometimes works out in a mall.

Sorry to hear that Frank's energy is down; I am sure that the play of the Cowboys and the Crimson Tide has cheered him a bit.

karjo said...

Tell old Frankenberry that I'm thinking about him and will come rough him up like I used to and he can call me names again if it will help;-)

Tried walking in the mall, but hated the drive over there and tripping over the shoppers because I had to go after work, but if you can go very early, it would probably be nice.

Love your comments about McCain and Palin, because I completely agree that when he not only crawled in bed with Bush, but gave him a big ole kiss on the lips it was obvious he would do anything to get elected.