Thursday, December 4, 2008

Early December blogging

Aha fooled's not Saturday and I'm blogging. ;-) Just had some photos to post plus it's actually cold and windy out so aside from my morning walk and a trip to pick up Krys and go to Target I've been inside all day. It's not Peoria cold mind you but cold enough for us warm weather cream puffs here in Austin to be cold.
Walking stats to date: 12-1-08 thru 12-4-08 - 3.107, 3.251, 3.079, 3.156. Not too many people out this morning so it was nice to walk in the peace and quiet by the river.
Photo 1 Evie made an adorable flower Christmas tree out of tissue paper, 2. Red Christmas tree at a typical locally owned Austin retail store on So. Congress Ave, 3. Black and White packages and elves dressed in black, same store, 4. Black and white tree, same store, 5. Celestial eye candy of the crescent moon with Jupiter and Venus shining brightly on Dec. 1. You can click on each photo to see a larger size picture.

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