Our mom Nellie, Mike, Cyndi |
Cyndi, Frankie, Pam, Evie |
Things are going pretty well.The mobile unit came with a group that included a doctor, speech therapist, and an aide. They ran a swallow test on mom and as suspected it showed that she has dysphagia and is at high risk for developing pneumonia from aspirating liquids and food. We had a follow up visit that gave us tips and information on the types of food and drink we should be serving her. She also had to make a trip to the dentist to repair a filling she had been picking at and finally flicked out. Since no water can be used to cool a drill, wash out, etc. they had to do an acrylic one that while not pretty at leas filled the hole left and will prevent anymore decay from setting in. She then had a blood test to check her potassium level. So it was a busy few weeks for us all. She fell last week coming out of the bathroom and Frank got to her before I did and he picked her up and put her on her bed. Luckily she did not hurt herself. She's very wobbly these days so falling is a something we have to watch out for. At a physical therapy session they showed me how to fall with her and let myself take the brunt of it. Hope I don't have to use that technique but something learned is always a good thing.
We did the early voting thing. I went by myself and then my husband and granddaughter went. Wanted to take mom and brought home a sample ballot but she really didn't know what was up. Also (and this made me cry when I saw it) she has trouble signing her name. When the physical therapist had her sign her visit paper mom was printing letters and she printed an 'n eo' and then an 'L' on another line. First time that ever happened. She also forgot how to brush her teeth. I put the toothpaste on the brush and get her started and then she is okay. The decline is slow and painful to watch but she seems happy and we are able to keep her comfy, clean, and fed. I think there are more good days then bad days.
Yesterday our grandson (who just got his Cosmetology license) came and cut my hair, our granddaughters, and mom's. He did a great job and we all good. :-)
The photos are some I found and I don't know if I posted them before but if I did just ignore them. ;-) The one with mom was taken a few months ago when they were taking her to a dance. The one of the brothers and sisters was taken in August when Evie was here.
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