Did my usual 3 miler on Monday which was nice because of the cool and windy weather. I think we got down into the high 30's last night which is not normal for this area this late into the new year. It's good though because the high temperatures are going to settle in soon. But I digress from my original thought for this blog. I found myself tearing up and whining to myself that I didn't want to get dressed and go on my walk. It's not that I wanted to stay in bed either, I just didn't want to go outside. Am I becoming agoraphobic? Seems a bit far fetched to think that but I suppose anything is possible. I gritted my teeth and put on my big girl panties and forced myself out into the world. It was pleasant weather, sunny and cool, and there were not many people out and about so it made for a peaceful time for me. One question to those who get out and walk or run. What's with people, both men and women, who bundle up with ear-muffs, jackets, knit caps and scarves paired with shorts! I saw a lady yesterday dressed like that and it puzzled me because her legs were beet red from the cold wind. Do people not think about their legs getting chapped or frost bitten (not much chance of frost bite here) but you know what I mean. It seems kind of silly to me to cover your top half and leave your bottom half to suffer the elements. I very seldom wear shorts in the summer to wearing in the winter is not something I would even consider doing. Anyway...it's just something that made me go 'hummmm'.
Came across this other piece of art that is in Butler Park. It's a forged metal sculpture by an Austin artist named Colin McIntyre.
I found that when I run, I always dress less warmly on my legs than on my torso. It think that one loses more body heat through the torso and head; that is why you'll often see runners dressed in a long sleeved shirt, hat, gloves and shorts.
Me thinks Harriet looks suspiciously like Froggy. ;-)
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