Frank had his follow up visit today and that pesky patch of irritation was indeed a superficial, non-invasive bit of trouble. He's going to have another 6 weeks of BCG treatments starting in February. It is not unusual for these things to be stubborn and hard to eradicate or to reoccur. The doctor is being super-duper cautious and this is a good thing. So things could be much, much worse and we're very positive that things are proceeding well. I know you'll keep him in your good thoughts and or prayers.U
Walking Stats January 4 through January 12, 2009: CEDAR HIGH-NONE, 3.057, 3.106, 3.023, park walk with Krystal 2 miles, Frank's biopsy-no walk but did ride stationary bike for 15 minutes, 2.501 cut walk short because cedar made my eyes water so bad that it affect my vision, none, 3.107 windy but cold and thankfully cedar on the low side.
For those of you not familiar with 'cedar fever' it is an allergy to mountain juniper that affects central Texans. From late December through late February and sometimes early March, many people experience an itchy, runny nose, sneezing, nasal blockage, excess tearing and itchy eyes. Others complain of itching of the palate, throat, or ears, and postnasal drainage. Some have fatigue, mild headache, facial discomfort, sore throat, partial loss of sense of smell, and sensation of ear plugging. My allergy meds keep the post nasal drip and sneezing under control and it's the itching of my eyes and in my ears and sometimes elsewhere that makes me crazy. Short of living in a bubble with a really good air filtration system you can't escape the effects of this potent and prolific pollen. Alas conventional therapy with antihistamines is not for me because they make my legs hurt really bad. The good thing is that it is seasonal.
Was a pleasure to see Hillary Clinton at her hearing today making her case wit nary a wink, a 'you betcha', or "I'll get back to you with some" quip. I wonder that anyone could watch her and marvel at the breadth and depth of her knowledge and then somehow throw their support to the governor from Alaska. To say that they are as different as night and day is putting it mildly.