Early voting opened in Texas yesterday and since we didn't want to be in the first day rush we voted today and we voted for the Obama/Biden ticket. They had a good crowd but they were well organized so it didn't take us long to work our way through the line. Frank did have a little negative thing happen to him. A lady came out and was talking to him about the election and said that she didn't want to vote for Obama because she didn't want a Muslim to be president. Frank gently set her straight but she puffed up anyway and scurried away. Sigh...we have a tough fight ahead of us and it's uphill fighting ignorance, fear, and hate. So Obama/Biden and you former Hillary people get out there and vote for Obama/Biden!
Evie voted,Derick voted, and Cyndi was going to vote today.
I voted yesterday after I got off work and was pleasantly surprised to see a pretty big crowd there. Everything was well organized and I moved smoothly through the process. We broke a record here with 1457 early voters on the first day. Kris and his wife Deborah, who are stationed in Canada, have their mail-in ballots ready to go too. Thankfully, I didn't have anything negative happen while I was voting, but one of the people I work with wore their McCain/Palin button yesterday. I do wish more people would broaden their horizons by venturing their tv dial past Fox News though. I know it's really painless because I'm all up and down the channels and on the internet reading several US & UK newspapers and while there's negativity everywhere, some news outlets really seem to specialize in it. And as long as I'm wishing, I wish more people would use the delete button on their email so those mean, nasty and downright stupid anti-Obama emails would cease to exist, but I'm afraid that smelly little slice of society will continue down the same dark path. While I feel sorry for those people, I'm really glad I'm not walking along side them.
Obama-Biden won our household 2-0; unfortunately they would not let our stuffed frogs vote. :-)
We had long lines the first couple of days of voting, which is a good sign.
Unfortunately, our Republican candidate will probably win the US house seat; he had something like 3-4 times the money that the D had.
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