Thursday, September 4, 2008

Using the RNC logic I'm more qualified than Sarah Pawlenty...wait that's Palin isn't it?

I decided to list my qualifications for VP and throw my hat in the ring should anyone be interested.
My Stats:
I'm a woman
She's a woman
I wear glasses
She's wears glasses
I'm brunette
She's brunette
I had 5 children
She had 5 children
I have 3 Grandchildren
She has a future grandchild
I served almost 20 years in County Government
She has served less than 5 in two different areas of government
I have lived in one foreign country and traveled to at least 10 others
She has been in two and landed in one for refueling
I landed in Alaska for a plane change so I guess that qualifies me for being an Alaskan and living in Texas which borders Mexico gives me foreign policy experience.
According to Fox News living close to Russia gives her foreign policy experience so since I've been in Alaska and live in Texas that gives me more 'foreign policy' experience than her. She is not a Texan nor to my knowledge has she ever set foot in Texas so I'm ahead of her there too ;-)
I do not believe in killing any and all animals that move in the woods or squandering our precious natural resources.
She does like to hunt and shoot and kill animals such as baby wolf pups and their mothers from helicopters no less (very sporting) and thinks global warming and other environmental issues are hooey
Oh and I know what a VP does!!! In the United States the Vice-President has few formal duties, and the importance of the position relies almost solely on the fact that the holder takes over the Presidency if the incumbent dies, retires, or is impeached; they are ‘a heartbeat away from the presidency’. The Vice-President presides over the Senate, and votes in the case of ties. Presidents have tried to give the Vice-President roles in specific areas of policy, as roving ambassadors, or as heads of ad hoc agencies to deal with domestic issues.
She knows nothing about the VP office.
So you see I'm infinitely more qualified to be a VP than she is. :-)
Read about some of her 'remarkable' achievements at this website. Grizzly Bay.

1 comment:

karjo said... it:-) Can also add that being a "heartbeat" away from the presidency in this case takes on more serious meaning (along with all the other obvious reasons) in light of the fact that her running mate is 72 with known health problems.

Miss you..hope you and you know who are all ok:-)