Thursday, November 8, 2018

Midterms Done and Done

Well the voters have had their say and while we would have liked a tsunami sized blue wave we did get a large blue wave. While Beto did not win Texas he did make a good showing and I'm sure we're going to hear more from this young man in the future.
I'm hoping when the Democrats take control of the house in January that they can curb the craziness that is Donald Trump and keep our country on an even keel. I guess only time will tell but now I have some hope where before I had none.

Midterms drawing closer

Here we are again. An important election drawing closer and the fate of the country in the hands of voters. I hope for the sake of the Free World that this election turns out better than the one in 2016.  Whoever you vote for please, please think of the kind of world you want to live in before you do vote. A world of strife and hateful rhetoric and actions, or a world of kindness and compassion for humans and animals. Think about it.