Been a while since I've posted anything. My excuses are many but I'll not bore you by listing them here. I'm posting some pictures to let you know what's been going on in my life. The first one is about the things we put in my moms coffin (aaaah I hate writing that word). I figured ancient Egyptians did it to accompany the deceased to the new world so I could do it for my mom. She was buried in a green pant suit that she made and green was her favorite color. An elephant pin and elephant earrings because she had a love for them. She said she admired them for taking care of each other and working hard. A Pearl S. Buck book because she was her favorite author. Her black dancing shoes with rhinestones, and her little black and white hounds tooth checked bag she took to the dances with 2 dollars and some change in it (she always worried about having a little money on her), also a couple of tissues. A pair of clean under pants because she always told me you should have them just in case you had to go to the hospital. Her everyday shoes that I couldn't bear to throw out or give to anyone else. The photo was shown on a pedestal to let people see how beautiful she was plus she did not want an open casket so this seemed like the right thing to do.

The second picture is of the Mississippi River crossing at Vicksburg, MS. We stopped here to eat our lunch on the way back home from attending my brother-in-laws funeral in Alabama. It was a beautiful day and a lovely place to stop and relax.
Went to see the English comic Eddie Izzard. He was very funny and we enjoyed his show and the Q&A session after the show.
Out one sunny morning walking with Evie.
Doing the Walk to End Alzheimer's with Pam in San Angelo.
At the Molly Awards with Krystal. She interns with the Texas Observer and got a ticket and took me as her plus one. She did all the graphic design work for the event. The dinner was really good and the speaker was as well. She's the wife of a politician from Illinois but I can't remember her name at the moment. She was funny and informative.