Sunday, June 27, 2010

Little critter and a lily

You can find the most interesting things on a walk here in Austin. I came across the little bird shown (you have to look close to see him/her) on the Hike and Bike Trail. I tried to shoo the little critter closer to the river because it had wondered close to Riverside Drive which is a long way from the river, at least for one so tiny. Alas I could not do it so I found a Park employee and later saw three of them gather around the place I last say the little bird and I hope they got it back where it was supposed to be. I think it was an egret or another water bird from the same family. The yellow lily photo was taken in the front yard. Guess lilies love the heat and humidity because they are looking beautiful.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Busy week coming up

We have a semi-busy week coming up for us. Frank has BCG treatment (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin-Chemotherapy Drug) on Monday, an eye appointment on Tuesday and on Wednesday we'll be taking our son to have his knee operated on.
The picture is of a butterfly (I think because it's prettier than a moth) that emerged from a cocoon that had been attached to a leg of a table that sits out on the patio. There was one more cocoon but th tiny creature escaped its confined space when we were not around. Ain't nature grand?