2009 is flying by with the summer months coming up. It's already been hot here in Austin and not much rain but somehow things are pretty and green. It's been up and down for walking weather but I've managed to keep up my usual 3.1 miles a day, 5 days a week. There is a Triathlon on Monday but I decided not to enter that. ;-) Didn't want to embarrass anyone, mostly myself! Things are kind of quite which is not a bad thing. We're going to Frankie and Sandy's for Memorial Day to visit and try out his new grill. Should be fun. Cyndi and Pam are visiting their sister up in Seattle and by all accounts are having a great time. We talked to them this morning using Skype and it was fun. The photo is of Sammy, Pam, Rick, and Lauren's new addition to the family. He's a cutie!